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Technology Acceptable Use Policy


This policy is designed to establish acceptable and appropriate use of computer and information systems, networks and other information technology resources at Oklahoma Christian University.


Anyone using Oklahoma Christian University’s information technology resources. This includes all students, employees, and guests to the campus.

Guiding Principles

Oklahoma Christian University is a higher learning community that transforms lives for Christian faith, leadership, and service. The Oklahoma Christian University community is encouraged to make innovative and creative use of information technologies in support of education, research, and service. Oklahoma Christian University’s computing and network resources are to be used only for University-related teaching, learning, enrichment, dissemination of scholarly information, and administrative activities. The computing and network facilities of the University are limited and should be used wisely and carefully with consideration for the needs of others. Computers and network systems offer powerful tools for communications, teaching, and learning among members of the University community and communities outside the University. When used appropriately, these tools can enhance dialog and communications. When used unlawfully or inappropriately, however, these tools can infringe on the rights of others.


The University encourages all members of its community to use electronic communications in a manner that is respectful to others.

Functionality and Availability

You must ensure that your actions and the computers you own or that are assigned for your use do not negatively impact the functionality and availability of the Oklahoma Christian University computer systems, enterprise and application systems, and network services. You must ensure that your computer is properly maintained, including having up-to-date anti-virus protection and operating system patches. Responsible use of computing and network resources requires users to realize that any attempt to modify or extend resources could result in degradation of systems or performance elsewhere on the network. You must not disrupt routine operations by tampering with any hardware, networks, applications, system files, or other users' files without authorization or permission. Circumventing or altering protections or other restrictions placed on computers, networks, software, applications or files is prohibited. Similarly, you may not make resources available to circumvent or alter protections or other restrictions placed on computers, networks, applications, or files. University technology resources are intended for academic and university business functions. For-profit use of these resources is prohibited.

Computer Accounts

You must use only your own computer account(s), and may not attempt to impersonate the identities of others. You may not supply false or misleading data nor improperly obtain another's password in order to gain access to computers, network systems, data, or information. The negligence of another person in revealing an account name or password is not considered authorization of use.

Information Security

You are responsible and accountable for all use and security of the electronic resources you own or use, including but not limited to computer account(s), passwords, personal computer(s), electronic data, and network access. You should make appropriate use of the software, system and network-provided protection features and take precautions against others obtaining access to your computer resources. You are responsible for the security of all assigned accounts and passwords. Passwords must never be shared.

Intellectual Property

You are responsible for making use of software and electronic materials in accordance with copyright and licensing restrictions and applicable university policies. You may not use Oklahoma Christian University networks, equipment, or software to violate copyright or the terms of any license agreement. No one may inspect, modify, distribute, or copy proprietary data, directories, programs, files, disks, or software without proper authorization.


You should remember that information you distribute through the University's web or other computing and networking facilities is a form of publishing and many of the same standards apply. For example, any web publication attributed to Oklahoma Christian University, even with disclaimers, represents you and the University and appropriate language, behavior, and style is warranted.

Personal Information

You should be cautious about making information about yourself and others available on the Internet. The University cannot protect you from invasions of privacy, identity theft, and other possible dangers that could result from the distribution of personal information.

Administration and Implementation

While respecting confidentiality and privacy, the University reserves the right to examine all university owned and operated computer systems and electronic/digital resources. The University takes this step to enforce its policies regarding harassment and the safety of individuals; to prevent unauthorized reproduction or distribution of proprietary software or digital texts, images, or music; to safeguard the integrity of computers, networks, and data either at the University or elsewhere; and to protect the University against seriously damaging consequences. The University may restrict the use of its computers and network systems for electronic communications when faced with evidence of violation of University policies or federal or local laws. The University will comply with, and respond to, all validly issued legal process, including subpoenas. The University reserves the right to limit access to its networks through University-owned or other computers, and to remove or limit access to material posted or distributed on University-owned computers or network.


All members of the University community are bound by federal and local laws relating to civil rights, harassment, copyright, security, and other statutes relating to electronic media. It should be understood that this policy does not preclude enforcement under the laws and regulations of the United States of America or the state of Oklahoma. All users are expected to conduct themselves in a manner that is consistent with these responsibilities and all other applicable University policies and the "OC Covenant". Abuse of computing and/or network privileges will subject the user to disciplinary action, as established by the applicable operating policies and procedures of the University. Abuse of networks or computers at other sites through the use of Oklahoma Christian University resources will be treated as though it occurred at the University. When appropriate, restrictive actions will be taken by system or network administrators pending further disciplinary or legal action.