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Residual ACT

The Residual ACT is available through the Student Success Office (405.425.5925 or to those who have applied for admission to Oklahoma Christian University.

See this page for testing dates.

Residual ACT Guidelines and Reminders

  • Only students who have applied for admission to OC may test. Test scores cannot be transferred to another institution. No Student Reports or High School Reports are generated nor will any be generated to report scores to ANY other college or scholarship agency.
  • Test scores will be transmitted to the Registrar/Admissions Office following each test administration. Results will be mailed within 2-3 weeks. ACT Residual scores will be made part of your record at OC.
  • Pre-registration is required, as seating is limited (contact the Student Success Office at 405.425.5925 or to reserve your spot).
  • Payment is $65. Checks should be made out to Oklahoma Christian University before the test is given.
  • Students requesting testing accommodations must be approved through Student Success one week prior to testing. (Testing accommodations cannot be made available on the day of the exam without pre-approval.)
  • Only number 2 pencils are allowed (no mechanical pencils).
  • For admission to the test, students must have a photo ID (driver’s license).
  • Most calculators are now permitted for use on all ACT examinations. (Unacceptable calculator models include: Casio CFX-9970G, Casio Algebra fx 2.0, Texas Instruments TI-89 and TI-92, and Hewlett Packard HP 40G and HP49G.)
  • All students must check in at the Student Success Office before the test.
  • Testing begins promptly at 9:30 a.m. on the dates below and is completed at approximately 1:00 p.m. Late arrivals cannot be admitted. Please arrive at the Student Success Office no later than 9:00 a.m.

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