You've earned a bachelor degree and maybe even had an enriching career, and now you feel called to pass your knowledge on through a career in teaching. Oklahoma has opened doors to a teacher certification alternative for those with education and experience that will help to make you a great teacher.
Oklahoma Christian University is helping to fill the teacher shortage with affordable courses for alternatively certified teachers. The Academy offers four three-credit hour courses (ELEM-3233 Primary Reading, PSYC-2523 Developmental Psychology, EDUC-3133: Classroom Management, and EDUC-4033: Educational Pedagogy) in a streamlined, online format. These courses typically are taught in seven-week blocks with six start dates throughout the year: August, October, January, March, May, and July.
How to Apply:
- Fill out the application which will have the most up to date information on start dates (select Alternative Teacher Certification as your major in the "Your Plans" tab)
- Upload verification that you already hold a Bachelor degree or higher to your application
- Email to enroll in courses
Q: How many courses can I take at one time?
A: We advise one course at a time if you are working, however it is ultimately up to the student.
Q: How do I order a transcript?
A: You can order a transcript here.
Q: How do I log onto my courses?
A: Once enrolled you will receive an email detailing how to set up your myOC account, email, and blackboard information.
Q: Is financial aid available for these courses?
A: Unfortunately since these are considered non-degree seeking financial aid does not cover them.
Q: What are my payment options?
A: You can use a personal loan or set up a payment plan with our financial services team
Q: How do I pay for these courses?
A: Pay online using your student account. See instructions here.