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Homecoming 2024

We are excited to welcome you back to campus for OC Homecoming 2024 on November 1 & 2! Cheer at the basketball game, walk through our students' club displays, experience the musical and connect with friends at the Alumni Banquet.

Parade car

Save the Date for Homecoming 2024,
November 1 & 2!

Accred letter v3

Alumni Banquet

Celebration of Legacy

Join us for our annual alumni banquet and take a walk down memory lane as we celebrate 75 years of OC’s legacy with highlights of memories, groups, and lots of fun!

FS General23 website

Homecoming Musical

Beauty and the Beast

This year's Homecoming musical will be Disney's Beauty and the Beast.

1974 class

50-Year Reunion

Celebrate the Class of 1974

Friday, November 1 at 11:30 a.m.

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1980s Decade Luncheon

Celebrate the Eagles of the Eighties

Saturday, November 2 at 11:30 a.m.

75 hero

OC's 75th Anniversary

Celebration of Legacy

Oklahoma Christian University is thrilled to celebrate 75 years of shaping futures. Join us for a year-long celebration of our legacy. Explore historical milestones, reconnect with fellow Eagles and discover the exciting future we're building together.


Schedule for Alumni and Students


5:30-7:00 pm - Halloween Carnival OC community and alumni families (Gaylord Forum/McGraw Pavilion)


7:30 pm - Musical, Beauty and the Beast (Garvey Ctr/Baugh Auditorium)


8:45 am - Eagle for a Day - Student Visit
11:00 am
- Chapel (Class of 74 Recognized) (Baugh Auditorium)
11:30 am
- Class of 1974 Reunion Lunch (complimentary) (Gaylord University Center/Gaylord Room) RSVP HERE!
11:30 am
- Bartlesville/CCC Reunion Lunch (Gaylord University Center/Gotcher Rm)
5:30 pm
- Alumni Banquet Legacy Celebration (Gaylord University Center/Meinder's Conf Center).
7:30 pm
- Musical, Beauty and the Beast (GC/Baugh Auditorium)
9:00 pm
- Student Pep Rally
All Day
- “Legacy” Art Gallery (Garvey)
All Day
- Prayer Walk (campus-wide; maps available on campus or here)


8:00 am - All Alumni Complimentary Breakfast (GC/McIntosh Conservatory)
8:00 am
- Engineering/Math Breakfast - East Meinders Conf Center
8:00 am
- Various Social Club Breakfasts:
- Alpha Gamma Omega - (Williams-Branch Center, 128)
- Beta - (Williams-Branch Center, 127)
- Chi Lambda Phi - (Gaylord University Center, Harry's Place)
- Gamma Rho - Memorial Road Church of Christ Campus Ministry Room
- Iota Kappa Phi - (Gaylord University Center, Gotcher Room)
- Kappa Sigma Tau - (Gaylord University Center, Gaylord Room)
- Lambda Chi Zeta - The Branch cafeteria (Gaylord University Center, The Branch)
- Theta Theta Theta - Art Gallery
- Delta Gamma Sigma - Al Branch home (9925 Hidden Hollow Lane, Oklahoma City, OK 73151)
8:00 am
- Kappa Phi Delta reunion (Garvey Center, 108)
8:45 am
- Bible Program Reunion (Williams-Branch Center, 123)
10:00 am
- Homecoming Chapel (GC/Baugh Auditorium)
11:00 am
- Homecoming Parade (Wilson Way Loop)
11:30 am
- Class of 1974/70's Decade Reunion Luncheon (Complimentary)(Gaylord University Center/Meinders Conf Center (East)
11:30 am
- Eagles of the 80s Decade Reunion Luncheon (Complimentary)(Gaylord University Center/Meinders Conf Center (West) RSVP HERE!
11:30 am
- Bartlesville/CCC Reunion Lunch (Gaylord University Center/Gotcher Rm)
11:30 am
- All Alumni Complimentary Lunch (Gaylord University Center/The Branch)
11:30 am
- Club Walk-Around (McGraw Pavilion & Wilson Way)
11:30 am - Max Dobson's Baseball Teams Reunion (Gaylord University Center/Duncan Room)
1:00 pm
- Lady Eagles Basketball Game (Payne Athletic Center/The Nest)
2:00 pm
- Coronation - King/Queen Coronation (The Nest)
3:00 pm
- Eagles Basketball Game (Payne Athletic Center/The Nest)
4:30-5:30 pm
- President’s Home Open House
5:15 pm
- New Reign Reunion (Garvey Center/Judd Theatre)
7:30 pm
- Musical, Beauty and the Beast (GC/Baugh Auditorium)
All Day - “Legacy” Art Gallery (Garvey)
All Day
- Prayer Walk (campus-wide; maps available on campus or here)

Edmond has many choices for hotels. Use for booking.

Campus Map


Thank you to our 2024 Homecoming Sponsors!

Eagle Sponsors

- Richard & Pat Lawson
- Bob & Judi Lashley
- Brian & Karen Plumlee

Silver Sponsors

- Benton & Paula Baugh
- Alfred & Judy Branch
- UDining

Maroon Sponsors

- Andy & Debby Benton
- Ray & Suzanne Vaughn
- Houts Law, PLCC

Reunion Sponsor

- Max Dobson's Baseball Players

CLICK HERE if you are interested in becoming a Homecoming sponsor.