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Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee

Oklahoma Christian University has established an Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) to review all proposed research and teaching involving live small vertebrate animals. The purpose of the IACUC is to ensure the ethical and humane use of animals by providing quality animal care in a research environment that promotes good science.

The goal of the IACUC is to ensure the implementation of the recommendations of the National Research Council “Guide for the Care and Use of Laboratory Animals”, and the requirements of the Animal Welfare Act and Regulations and the “Public Health Service Policy on Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals”.

The IACUC is composed primarily of faculty members from disciplines in which research involving animals is integral to the discipline’s work, one non-science faculty member, as well as one member from the community whose primary interests are non-scientific. In addition, a veterinarian from the community serves on the IACUC and is the attending veterinarian for the animal care facility. The animal research review process is administered through the Office of Academic Affairs. Researchers are REQUIRED to comply with the Oklahoma Christian University “Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (IACUC) Animal Care and Use Policies”.

Who should complete the compliance requirements and when should they do so? If a faculty or staff member or student will handle live vertebrate animals for research or educational purposes, they must complete the health, safety, and training requirements described in the IACUC policy document with particular attention given to Appendix 4—OC Protocol Review Procedures, and Appendix 5—Animal Study Protocol Proposal Form. These requirements should be fulfilled upon completion of the “Animal Study Protocol Proposal Form”, which should be submitted 45 days prior to the onset of the project.



Dr. Bill Luttrell
Chair, OC Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee (OC IACUC)