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OC Partners with Coursera to Offer Top-Tier, Discounted Courses to Alumni

At Oklahoma Christian University we prioritize innovation in education, providing opportunities for our students and alumni, and elevating our community. With these goals in mind, we have partnered with Coursera, one of the world's largest online learning platforms, to offer you more than 4,000 courses to help you earn certifications, master new skills, enhance your career and enrich your life.

We’re thrilled to announce Alumni University!

The Day Six Calling and Career and Alumni teams have evaluated career opportunities in the community in alignment with the goals of OC to specially curate a selection of courses designed to elevate your life and career. There are many opportunities for you to further develop and refine your skills in creative areas like cooking, gardening and art, as well as in high-growth fields like technology, business and data science- in courses taught by experts from top-tier institutions such as Intel, Microsoft and Google.

Whether you’re looking to improve interpersonal “soft” skills, level-up your technical prowess or master a new craft in retirement, there’s a course for you.

“We’re excited to partner with Oklahoma Christian University to help students strengthen employability by developing high-demand business and digital skills, like workplace communication and data literacy,” said Leah Belsky, Chief Enterprise Officer. “Building proficiency in essential skills and earning multiple credentials that signal mastery – their university degree and course certificates – will help students differentiate themselves in a competitive labor market.”

Even better? When you sub­scribe to Alum­ni Uni­ver­si­ty, you’ll learn from top busi­ness­es and receive access to a curat­ed selec­tion of cours­es, PLUS the full cat­a­log, at an exclusive dis­count­ed rate! You only pay $149 for a month or $399 for three months, and you have full access to complete as many courses as you'd like during that time. You will also earn a university or company-branded certificate for every course you complete

Complete your Alumni University courses online, anywhere!

The facts:

  • 100% online
  • 95% of students say they would take Coursera courses
  • 80% apply skills they learn in their role
  • 1,900+ Guided Projects to gain hands-on work experience
  • 5,000+ cutting-edge courses, taught by top instructors from
  • 250+ of the world's top leading universities and companies

Watch for the launch date in January 2022, but until then, explore our website and join the notification list so you will be the first to know when you can take advantage of this incredible opportunity. Be a member of the first class of OC’s Alumni University!
