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Natalie Syring

Adjunct Music Instructor - Flute

Natalie Syring is on the faculty of Oklahoma Christian University, the University of Central Oklahoma, and Herbert Armstrong College, where she teaches flute, class piano, aural skills, and other music classes.

As a performer, Natalie was principal flutist of The Woodlands Symphony Orchestra in the Houston area for many years and is now a member of the Oklahoma Community Orchestra. She has been a featured soloist with both orchestras, as well as with the UCO Chamber Orchestra.

She is a regular soloist on the UCO Faculty Artist Concert Series at the Edmond Jazz Lab and is the flutist for the professional chamber group Eclipse. Mrs. Syring also has an interest in historical performance practice. She plays baroque flute with the Brisch Center for Historical Performance and the Oklahoma Baroque Orchestra.

Mrs. Syring was a charter member of the Houston Flute Club in 1983, and she has been an active member of the Oklahoma Flute Society since 2003. In the spring of 2004, shortly after moving to Oklahoma, Mrs. Syring initiated the Oklahoma Flute Society’s Honor Flute Choirs for students in grades 7-12, and she continues to conduct these groups today, as well as the Oklahoma Adult Flute Choir. She is a member of the National Flute Association and has performed at several of their national conferences including Chicago, New York, Dallas, Los Angeles, San Diego, Kansas City. In addition to OFS and NFA, other professional affiliations are MTNA, OMTA and the OKC Pianists’ Club. Mrs. Syring holds a Bachelor of Music Education degree (University of S.D.) and a Master of Flute Performance degree (Sam Houston State University).