Cybersecurity Center
OC Cyber Center
Welcome to the OC Cyber Center, your trusted resource for navigating the ever-changing digital landscape with confidence. We are dedicated to providing the knowledge and tools necessary to protect yourself from the growing threats of cybercrime.
Cybersecurity Education Center (CEC)
About the Cybersecurity Education Center
OC has established the Cybersecurity Education Center to provide opportunities for faculty and students from OC and institutions throughout Oklahoma, as well as industry and government partners, to gain critical cybersecurity knowledge and hands-on skills and to educate from a Christian worldview those who will serve as the next generation cybersecurity professionals.
Vision Statement
The CEC will be recognized nationally as a leader in cybersecurity education, producing the next generation of security professionals and leaders, to solve real-world cybersecurity problems.
Mission Statement
The mission of the CEC is to provide an educational program to develop the cybersecurity leaders, innovators and researchers of tomorrow. The Center will also provide resources to support faculty, students and partners in securing and protecting their systems and data.
Point of Contact
Curtis Coleman, MS CISSP CISM
Asst Professor, Computer Science
Director of Cybersecurity Education Center
405.425.5472 | | Profile
News: Oklahoma Christian University Receives Excellence in Cybersecurity Designation by the National Security Agency
Read moreCybersecurity Blog
Students are targeted by hackers!
Top 10 Cybersecurity Tips for Students
Make some defensive cybersecurity moves to proactively protect yourself from online attacks.
10 Things to Do:
1: Be aware you are a target. You are at risk of attacks, scams and other cybercrime. Your personal and financial well-being are at stake.
2: Update your software to the latest OS including security patches by turning on auto updates. Use secure web browsers such as Chrome, Firefox or Brave, which are frequently updated.
3: Good password management. Use a strong mix of characters and different passwords for each account and keep it private. Please avoid writing your password on a Post-it attached to your monitor.
4: Recognize phishing scams. All email attachments and links are suspect. Double-check the url for spelling and do not click anything suspicious for any reason.
5: Protect your financial data. Banking or shopping should ONLY be done on a device that belongs to you using a network that you trust, preferably using a secure VPN.
6: Social awareness. Cybercriminals who befriend you on social media can gain access to a shocking amount of info about you. Say 'No' when asked to share personal info and do not allow yourself to be socially manipulated.
7: Guard your devices. Never leave your computer, phone or tablet where someone can access it, no matter how short the time frame. Treat your flash or external drives with the same security.
8: Use two-factor authentication. This provides two layers of security so if your password is hacked, your account can be protected.
9: Install anti-virus and spyware protection from known and trusted sources. Then, keep your anti-virus software updated!
10: Back up your data early and often! A clean backup is the only way to recover after a virus attack, or worse - a ransomware attack!
OC cyber blog:
Resources to help businesses stay cyber secure
Cyber Safety for Businesses
Small businesses often do not have cybersecurity professionals on staff and must trust the tools and plug-ins at their disposal. But, there is more that can be done to protect yourself, your business and your customers.
10 Things to Do:
1: Train employees in security principles.
2: Protect information, computers and networks from cyber attacks.
3: Provide firewall security for your internet connection.
4: Create a mobile device action plan.
5: Make backup copies of important business data and information.
6: Control physical access to your computers and create user accounts for each employee.
7: Secure your wifi networks.
8: Employ best practices on payment cards.
9: Limit employee access to data and information, and limit authority to install software.
10: Passwords and authentication
Popular Cyber Info Sites:
Find out how to implement these tips from the Federal Communications Commission.
Stay current with cybersecurity news and trends.
Leading Cybersecurity Voices
Cyber safety relies on you to be current. Current in updating your software and current on trending cyber crimes and tactics. Be aware of threats and conscious of protecting your devices and information.
National Cyber League
Cyber Eagles
Cyber Eagles club is open to students, aged 14 to graduate students, who are interested in learning cybersecurity skills like password cracking and cryptography. Cyber expert Professor Curtis Coleman coaches local students on campus, and national teammates online. Eight weeks of online training leads to biannual, virtual competitions in the National Cyber League (NCL) where you are placed in a bracket that matches your skill level for both individual and team cyber battles.