The Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2013 (VAWA) amendments to the Clery Act, signed on March 7, 2013, expand the rights afforded to campus survivors of sexual assault, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. The U. S. Department of Education (Department) published final regulations to implement VAWA changes on Oct. 20, 2014, and have been effective since July 1, 2015.
The purpose of the VAWA Act, which, among other provisions, amended section 485(f) of the Higher Education Act (HEA), the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act). In compliance with certain campus safety and security requirements under the amendment, the statistic reporting for incidents of dating violence, domestic violence, sexual assault, and stalking (to include cyber-stalking), for Oklahoma Christian University are published in their annual security report, Campus Crime and Fire Safety Report.