Vehicle Registration
All new and returning students must register their motorized vehicles upon entrance to campus by the first day of class; then register each year thereafter by the fall semester in order to park and drive on OC Campus. Yearly registration is required by students for Campus Police to verify the vehicle is authorized to be on OC campus for that year. Vehicle registration begins May 1 and is only valid per academic year (May 1 - April 30), even if the color of the decal is used for 2 years. Online registration is now available year-round and is $50 per year.
Faculty/staff must register their vehicles upon reporting to work; authorized vehicle permits are only good during employment.
If you use a rental, borrow or get a new/different vehicle, get a new windshield, get a new/temporary/specialized tag, or need a different color decal, you will need to register immediately for a new or temporary vehicle decal. Temporary decals are for temporary vehicles/tags. There is no charge for registering or obtaining a vehicle decal. Early registration is recommended to prevent standing in excessively long lines. To register online: students go to your website, search Vehicle Registration, log in, register vehicle, and Submit.
The following items are required for all persons operating a motorized vehicle on university property for verification and authorization to drive and park on the OC campus. Remember to bring with you to pick up your vehicle decal:
- Your OC ID.
- Your current driver's license.
- Your vehicle license plate number.
- Your current liability insurance and name of the insurance agent.
After you register online, Support Central will receive the request and will notify you when the sticker is ready to be picked up at the Support Central offices.
Decal should be affixed on the passenger's right front windshield, inside the vehicle. (Do not block view looking right, do not place in windshield tint area.) For motorcycles: Affix the decal on the front of the left fork. Parking and driving privileges are authorized by academic classification, with the student's responsibility to upgrade the decal: Freshman/Sophomores (Blue decal), Juniors/Seniors (Maroon decal), Graduates (Gray decal), Faculty/Staff (White decal).
NOTE: OC vehicle permits/decals are not transferable/reusable. Students, faculty/staff, persons, or registered members of an OC permit will be held responsible for citations issued to the permit. Temporary-issued parking permits are only good for 30 days and must be current to be valid. Registration is NOT complete until the decal is visible, permanent, and correctly placed on the assigned vehicle's windshield.
Parking and Driving Regulations
Any person parking/operating a vehicle on OC Campus is responsible for the control and safe operation of the vehicle, and observance of traffic control signals and barriers/devices, including acknowledgment, obeying, acceptance, and admittance of OC's Parking Regulations. Vehicles should be secured against theft or burglary. OC assumes no responsibility for the protection of vehicles or property left in vehicles. The vehicle operator is responsible for making any special requests to Campus Police, which must be approved before a citation is issued.
Campus parking spaces are allocated to specified user groups in designated areas, and as follows:
- Parking is first come, first served basis. An issued parking permit is merely authorization to park if space is available.
- Lack of a parking lot space is not a valid reason to violate Parking Regulations. 'One lined parking space' is for parking of 'one permit authorized vehicle'. Finding a legal parking space is the vehicle operator's responsibility.
- The vehicle operator must park only in authorized areas for the permit type displayed on the vehicle.
Speed Limit on Campus: Parking lot speed limit - 10 mph. Driving on campus streets speed limit - 25 mph. Driving regulations on campus streets: Oklahoma State Driving Laws apply. Motorized vehicles on sidewalks: Only motorized handicapped wheelchairs/scooters with valid permits are authorized on OC sidewalks.
Campus student parking regulations/privileges apply during school hours (listed below) from 7:00 am to 5:00 pm, MON-FRI:
- Freshman and Sophomore students living on campus: Park at your dorm/apartment and walk to class.
- Freshman and sophomore commuters park in parking lots:
- W. of Enterprise Square and S. of Garvey Center.
- W. and S. of Gaylord University Student Center.
- Triangle lot on N. side of campus W. of soccer fields.
- Juniors, Seniors, Graduate students park only in student parking lots marked with 'yellow lines', listed below:
- Parking lot N. of Mabee Learning Center(far North half)
- Parking lot S. and W. of Hardeman Auditorium
- Parking lot S. of Williams-Branch Biblical Studies Center
- Parking lot E. of Harvey Business Center
- Parking lot N. of Prince Engineering and Herold Science Hall
- Parking lot W. of Enterprise Square
- Parking spaces on the W. side of Thelma Gaylord Forum only (marked JR/SR parking)
Students must not park in White Lines, visitor parking or faculty/staff parking (7:00 a.m .- 5:00 p.m., Monday - Friday).
Visitor parking location: N. and E. side of Thelma Gaylord Forum on Wilson Way and W. side of Hardeman Auditorium. There are no appeals for unauthorized parking in Handicap and parking in Fire lanes.
Campus Police and Safety will additionally issue tickets to students parking in "Reserved", covered parking, handicapped parking/zones without permits, RD/RA spaces, faculty/staff parking, visitor parking, fire zones, on the curb in the Forum and in front of Library, in the circle drive at Hardeman Auditorium and Gaylord University Center, on sidewalks or grass areas, campus roads, and loading zones.
Faculty/Staff/Authorized Vendors working on Campus must register in person, and park in 'white lines':
- Parking lot N. of Mabee Learning Center.
- Parking lot N. of Prince Engineering Center and Herold Science Hall.
- Parking lot E. of Judd Theatre and W. of Hardeman Auditorium.
- Parking lot S. of Williams-Branch Biblical Studies Center.
- Parking lot E. of Heritage Plaza Business Building.
WITHIN 7 DAYS OF CITATION DATE, all fines are to be paid to the Cashier in Heritage Plaza Business Office, 13800 Benson Road, or charges will be added to the student's account.
Evidence Policy Rule: Evidence a motor vehicle was parked or unattended and in violation of OC regulations (if no parking permit has been issued and the vehicle is not registered with OC) is prima facie (doubtless) evidence vehicle was parked by any of the following: 1. The person with the registered vehicle parking permit. 2. A family member, ward of the registered owner, employed with or enrolled at OC at the time of the violation. 3. The person whose name is registered with the Oklahoma Department of Motor Vehicles, Oklahoma County, the corresponding agency of another state or Indian nation.
OC reserves the right to revoke parking and driving privileges in cases of repeated violations, reckless driving or unwarranted disregard of vehicle rules and regulations, damaging property or any act detrimental to the safety or best interests of the OC University community.
Appeals should first be made in person, WITHIN 5 BUSINESS DAYS AFTER CITED VIOLATION DATE, along with providing the student's copy of the vehicle ticket, at Campus Police Department (SE corner of campus), 2801 E. Memorial Rd., Ste. 105.
Appeal Hours: 9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., Monday - Friday, closed 11:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
Office Phone: (405) 425-5502.