Dedicated to Your Freshman Experience
Did you know that OC has a crew who are wildly passionate about helping you succeed in your first year of college? Our Student Life office includes three people who are all about freshmen. They’re here to equip you for all things college with all of the resources that you need. They walk with you in your highs and your lows. You can count on them to see you, to hear you and meet you where you are.
Are you ready to get to know these three awesome folks? Drum roll please for the unimpeachable Trenton Dobbs, director of Freshman Experience. Keep it going for Freshman Experience advisors, prodigious Rachel Parrett and the indomitable Savannah Mathews. Here we go!
Savannah made the most of her time as an Eagle! She was an active member of the Gamma Rho social service club, leading her intramural basketball team to the championship. Savannah brought her adventurous spirit to the Spring Sing stage, homecoming court and her psychology major. Her hometown of Claremore, Oklahoma cheered her on at graduation in 2019, then she transitioned to OC's advisor for freshmen men.
Rachel graduated alongside Savannah in 2019 with two degrees! She double majored in Family Science and Human Development as well as Vocational Ministry. After volunteering as an Earn Your Wings director, Rachel began working in Student Life her senior year. She grew up in Edmond, so she knows all of the great restaurants, events and festivals to attend. Rachel makes the best lip balm on the planet, Mend Lip Balm is all about sharing mental health resources and supporting mental health organizations.
Rachel and Savannah were proud groom’s maids for Trent’s wedding. Trent loves Marvel superheroes better than anything in the world except his wife Sara and their new baby. He transferred to OC and graduated in 2011 with an Interdisciplinary Studies degree for youth ministry, business and Bible. Trent was a preacher and youth minister in New Mexico before coming back to direct OC’s Freshman Experience.
Trent’s favorite thing about his job is working with Savannah and Rachel. His most hated thing is reconciling the office credit card each month. Rachel and Savannah’s favorite thing is being friends with the students. It’s so easy, natural and fun that they can’t believe they actually get paid to do it!
You should check them out on Instagram to get to know them better: @trenton_lee_dobbs, @rachelparett and @savannahmathews15.
And, when you are on campus drop by the Student Life office for snacks and a chat with Trent, Rachel and Savannah.