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Fall/Winter Calendar Released

New calendars for Fall, December, January and Graduate School terms have been finalized, Spring to follow.

Recently, President John deSteiguer announced a new academic calendar.

The innovative approach to school scheduling is designed to bring us together during times anticipated to be more safe from the spread of COVID-19, and keep us apart in the higher risk season.

What you will notice in the new calendar:

  • Start date is two weeks early and comparative with local K-12 school calendars
  • Fall term end date is before Thanksgiving
  • Fall break is eliminated
  • There is a TWO month winter break
  • Two online winter sessions are offered, one in December and one in January

What you can expect for the Spring calendar:

  • A late January start date
  • An end date and graduation comparative with other school calendars
  • Robust summer class offerings

The academic calendar and the registrar are your sources for academic information and updates.
