OC Baja Racing
Competing since 1999, OC Baja Racing Team members enhance their technical skills through in-house manufacturing, design, testing, and business and professional development.
What is SAE Baja?
Baja SAE is a Collegiate Design Series competition organized by the Society of Automotive Engineers to challenge engineering students to design and build an off-road vehicle that will compete in a multi-event competition against over 100 other collegiate teams. As in real work situations, these future engineers will work together as a team to discover and resolve technical challenges in design, test, and manufacturing design, as well as present in business, design, sales, and cost events.
SAE Baja Competitions consist of 3 major events: static, dynamic, and business. The first day of competition consists of all static events, as well as technical inspection. This includes a series of judges who inspect the car, and every aspect of it, to ensure the safety of the driver and that all competition specifications are met. On the second and third day, we compete in a series of dynamic events where the car is challenged by its individual components in acceleration, hill climb, sled pull, maneuverability, suspension and traction events. Finally, the endurance race puts our team’s car and driver to the test as the race faces head-to-head for four hours. Mixed into those two days is the business aspect where the students present their efforts from the last year in the sales and business presentation, cost audit, and design presentation.
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