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Withdrawal Process

Students who decided to withdraw from all Oklahoma Christian University classes must fill out the Official Withdrawal Form. You can not withdraw in the same semester after the last day to drop the course with a "W".

The online form will automatically be sent to all of the following departments:

  • Student Life
  • Residence Life (if the student is residing in campus housing)
  • the Library
  • Information Technology (if the student has an institutional laptop to return)
  • Financial Services
  • International Records
  • Veteran's Affairs (if the student receives any kind of VA benefits)
  • and the Registrar's Office.

Withdrawal Information for Federal Aid Recipients
All federal aid recipients who completely withdraw from school prior to completing at least 60% of the semester will, by federal policy, be required to repay some portion of the federal funds received. For more information regarding OC's tuition refund policy or the federal regulations regarding the return of federal financial aid, please visit the financial policies page.

The student will be held responsible for any funds the university is required to return to the federal program on the student's behalf. Payment arrangements will be made through the Student Financial Services Office only.

Petition for Medical Withdrawal

A student unable to complete a drop or withdrawal by its respective deadline (please see the Academic Calendar on myOC) may petition for an exception by submitting a request for a Medical Withdrawal.

A student may be eligible to apply for a Medical Withdrawal if the instructor confirms the student’s last day of attendance and grade status and proper evidence exists to show that a drop or withdrawal could not be completed by the respective deadline or the student was unable to attend class due to unforeseen circumstances. Unforeseen circumstances and/or emergencies (hospitalization, work transfer out of state, etc.) must be documented. Examples of supporting documentation could include the following: statements from a doctor, hospital, emergency room, or employer; death certificate; birth certificate; or obituary from a newspaper. Items must be directly relevant to the unforeseen event or circumstance. Letters from doctors, hospitals, emergency rooms, and employers must be on official letterhead from that institution/business. Documentation must specifically address the semester in question. Also, if other courses were passed during the semester in question, documentation must be provided to explain why the emergency situation only affected certain courses. All approved Medical Withdrawals will be recorded on the student’s academic transcript as a “W.”

Requests for Medical Withdrawal due to poor academic performance, failure to attend, and/or lack of deadline awareness will not be considered. All requests must be initiated within one year of the semester in which grades were assigned. Courses that have been awarded a grade of “C” or higher or that have been completed in full are not eligible for a Medical Withdrawal and must be addressed through the grade appeals process.
Submission of all required documentation does not guarantee approval. Additionally, the faculty signature on the required form does not guarantee approval. Each case is reviewed by a committee and is judged on its individual merit. A decision is made as to whether the documentation provides sufficient evidence for a Medical Withdrawal.

Mail Medical Withdrawals to:
Oklahoma Christian University
Registrar's Office
Box 11000
Oklahoma City, OK 73136-1100

Email Medical Withdrawals to:

Hand Deliver Medical Withdrawals to:
Registrar’s Office
Cogswell-Alexander Hall

Financial Policies

Please take a look at your financial policy documents. If you have any questions, the Financial Services office would be happy to help!

View our Financial Policies