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Northwest Endowment Fund

The Northwest Endowment Fund has been created to help preserve and extend the legacy of Christian higher education in the Pacific Northwest represented by both Columbia Christian College and Cascade College. The histories of Oklahoma Christian University and Columbia Christian College converged in 1993, resulting in the opening of Cascade College as a branch campus of Oklahoma Christian University. Cascade College played an important role in strengthening the church and serving Christian families in the Northwest for 15 years.

Oklahoma Christian University has created the Northwest Endowment Fund to fulfill its ongoing commitment to Christian higher education and service to the churches of Christ in the Northwest. The spendable income from the fund will be used to help provide Christian higher education for students from the region served by Cascade College, as well as for efforts to strengthen and nurture churches of Christ in the Northwest.

Questions for the NWEF Board of Directors can be directed to: | (405) 425-5061

If you have questions about the fund or wish to make a tax-deductible gift please contact:

Advancement Office | Oklahoma Christian University | | (405) 425-5094

Purposes of the Fund

Helping Northwest Students Pay for Christian Education. The Northwest Endowment Fund annual endowment payouts are used to provide scholarships at Oklahoma Christian University for qualified students residing in the Pacific Northwest. All Northwest students are encouraged to complete the Northwest Endowment Scholarship Fund Application to be considered for these awards.

Strengthening Churches in the Pacific Northwest. Church Enrichment Grants are designed to help fund ministry events or programs that directly contribute to the spiritual vitality of a cappella churches of Christ in the Pacific Northwest and/or provide spiritual education. The specific uses of these funds and types of ministry events will be determined by The Northwest Endowment Board.

States Served By the NWEF

The fund will serve students and churches in the following states and province:

  • Alaska
  • British Columbia
  • Idaho
  • Montana
  • Northern California
  • Oregon
  • Washington

Support the NW Endowment Fund

There are a number of ways you can support the Northwest Endowment Fund and churches in the Northwest:

  • Encourage high school students in your congregation to apply for scholarships and return to the Northwest to serve upon graduation.
  • Pray for the growth and strengthening of churches in the Northwest.
  • Share ideas with the Northwest Endowment Board about ministry events that will strengthen churches in the Northwest.
  • Support the continued growth of the fund by making charitable gifts - Give online now.

You may send your tax-deductible gift to:

Advancement Office

Oklahoma Christian University

PO Box 11000

Oklahoma City, OK 73136-1100

Make your check payable to Oklahoma Christian University, and be sure to write “Northwest Endowment” on the memo line.