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OC Mission Statement & Covenant What We Value

Mission Statement

Oklahoma Christian University educates, mentors and inspires learners to fulfill their God-given potential.

Vision Statement

OC is a Christ-centered university that’s personal, innovative, challenging and missional where students, faculty and staff find calling, career and community.

OC Covenant and Statement of Beliefs

We believe in God, who exists eternally as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. We believe salvation is received by grace through obedient faith in Jesus Christ, who was crucified for our sins, buried, and raised from the dead. We accept the Bible as the inspired word of God and our sole sacred text. Faith is foundational to our life, and we actively worship and serve at a local church.

Oklahoma Christian University believes the following, and we will honor these beliefs:

Oklahoma Christian University exists as a community of surrendered followers of Jesus and with a commitment to expand His kingdom. Oklahoma Christian University educates, mentors, and inspires learners to fulfill their God-given potential.

Oklahoma Christian University was founded by members of churches of Christ on a defined set of core beliefs, which continue to define who we are as an institution. The core beliefs and values are derived from the Bible rather than the prevailing culture. While the University will always exist in a changing culture, the Biblical standards that define us are timeless and unchanging.

Oklahoma Christian University believes and is committed to being a Kingdom University. Our foundational beliefs and values as a Kingdom University include the following:

  • God has always been and will always be an unchanging and good God who exists as God the Father, God the Son, and God the Spirit. (2 Cor. 13:14)
  • God is the Creator of all that exists. (Genesis 1:1; John 1:1-5)
  • Sin has broken our world, which calls for a cure beyond mere human ability. (Romans 3:9-24)
  • God is a compassionate, merciful and forgiving God, who sent His son Jesus to the earth to provide the opportunity for salvation for all people regardless of race, economic classes, country, background or any other classification which might divide people. (John 3:16)
  • Jesus came in the flesh, existed in human form and ultimately died by crucifixion so that His blood would be a payment for sin. (John 1:14, I Cor 15:3)
  • The Bible is the inspired word of God given so that we might understand the nature of God and our proper response to His calling. (2 Tim 3:15-17)
  • Kingdom people love God and love others. (Matt 22:37-40)
  • Kingdom people strive for unity. (Eph 4:3)
  • Kingdom people are called to lives of holiness, set apart from sinful practices prevalent in this world, such as greed, bitterness, gossip, drunkenness, and deceit . (I Peter 1:13-16, Eph 4: 17-5:20)
  • God created humans as male and female, and His gift of sexual relations is to be experienced only within the context of marriage between a man and woman. (Mark 10:2-9, I Cor 6:18-20)
  • The character of Kingdom people is transformed by the Holy Spirit and is marked by love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. (Gal 5:22-26)
  • Kingdom people treat others with love, humility, and grace, even when others disagree with us or act as an enemy against us. (Matt 5:43-48)

Our covenant cannot be all inclusive regarding the Biblical foundation of Oklahoma Christian University. The covenant is not intended to state all Biblical teachings the university holds. However, it is intended to give a framework for understanding who the university is and what we believe as followers of Christ.

The OC Graduate

Since its founding in 1950, Oklahoma Christian University has sought to fulfill its mission to transform lives for Christian faith, scholarship and service. Educating and nurturing the heart, mind and soul, OC encourages its graduates to be like Jesus Christ, who “increased in wisdom and stature and in favor with God and man” (Luke 2:52). Christian faith and scholarship, exhibited through academic and spiritual excellence, is the heart of the University’s mission. While students will pursue and attain this excellence to varying degrees, we identify here the qualities desired for all OC graduates.

The OC Graduate Knows

  • The liberal arts, which enrich life and prepare for the inevitable challenges, opportunities and changes of life.
  • The specialized knowledge, research methodologies, problem-solving strategies and practical skills that enable competent living in modern society and successful competition in the global marketplace.
  • How to communicate clearly and think independently, critically and creatively.
  • How to live and work harmoniously with people of diverse backgrounds and beliefs without compromising truth.
  • The great themes and doctrines of the Bible, including the message of grace, the Lordship of Christ and the role of the church. Graduates will understand the comparative tenets of major worldviews and will be provided the tools and skills for thinking critically about and applying scripture to the issues of today.
  • The history and identity of a cappella Churches of Christ and their restoration heritage.

The OC Graduate is

  • Committed to intellectual and spiritual inquiry, nurturing the mind and spirit throughout life.
  • Devoted to Christ, seeking to emulate Him and embody the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22).
  • Dedicated to truth, righteousness and excellence in every facet of life.
  • A faithful steward of the blessings, resources and talents received from God.

The OC Graduate Believes

  • The Bible is the revelation of the nature and will of God, the incarnation of the son and the work of the Holy Spirit, and is the authority for Christian faith and practice.
  • Life has meaning only through a relationship with God, recognizing that the pursuit of knowledge in any field is ultimately a quest for understanding God and His creation.
  • Faith and learning are integral and cannot be separated with impunity.

The OC Graduate Lives

  • As a servant-leader in family, church, profession and community, making a difference for good in the world, both locally and globally.
  • With integrity, by acting consistently with beliefs and in covenant relationship with God.
  • In humble submission to God’s will, diligently serving him and all humanity by following the two greatest commandments: to “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, all your soul and all your mind,” and to “Love your neighbor as yourself.” (Matt. 22:37 & 39)